How old do I have to be to get hypnotised?

This is one of the most common question I get asked, and one of the hardest to answer because it depends on where you live.

In the UK

If you, like me, are in the UK, then there is no law that says how old you must be to get hypnotised. However, you must be able to give your ‘informed consent’.

Anyone aged of 16 or over is presumed to be able to give their informed consent unless there’s a reason to suspect that’s not the case (e.g. they have learning difficulties). So, if you’re in the UK and are aged 16 or over, you’re good to go.

Under 16s

If you’re in the UK and aged 15 or under, the law isn’t quite as clear. Your ability to give informed consent as a child or young person is governed by a legal test known as “Gillick Competency,” which says that:

“…it is not enough that she should understand the nature of the advice which is being given: she must also have a sufficient maturity to understand what is involved.”


“parental right yields to the child’s right to make his own decisions when he reaches a sufficient understanding and intelligence to be capable of making up his own mind on the matter requiring decision.”

This means that if you are mature enough to understand what you are doing, what is involved, the implications of it, and weigh up the potential risks and benefits, then you can give your own consent to being hypnotised.

So, it’s a question of maturity. If you’re mature and responsible enough to make an informed decision, then you can get hypnotised. As a guide, most 15-year-olds are likely to be able to make that decision on their own, most 11-year-olds are not. If you don’t seem mature and grown up enough to make the decision on your own, please don’t be offended if I ask you to come back when you’re older.

All of that said, you should always discuss anything you do online with trusted friends and family. They can help you stay safe. And if you have any concerns about being asked to do things you aren’t comfortable with, or shouldn’t be asked to do, talk to a parent, teacher, or ChildLine for help. There are some people online who want to hurt you, including in the hypnosis community, and your safety is the most important thing.

Erotic Hypnosis

I do get asked to do hypnosis sessions with an erotic or sexual focus. This is something I do, although I’ve written before about how these aren’t always my favourite kind of session. UK law says that the youngest age at which you are legally able to consent to any kind of sexual activity is 16, so this is the youngest you can be to have this kind of session.

However, just like anyone else, you shouldn’t expect your first session with me to go that way. I want to get to know you and build some kind of relationship before we do anything erotic. This applies even more so if you’re younger, because I need to know that you genuinely consent, and it’s what you really want.

Outside the UK

Laws vary around the world, and I’m not a lawyer so I can’t give a definitive answer to how old you have to be to get hypnotised in Country X. As a guide, you should be of an age where, in your country, it would be legal for you to:

Because I’m in the UK, you also need to comply with UK law as explained above.

Maximum age

I prefer hypnotising younger people. Generally, younger people are better subjects for hypnosis, and more fun to work with. If you’re older than me (34 at the time of writing), I’m unlikely to consider you. But, get in touch and ask, you’ve nothing to lose.

Any questions?

This is a challenging, and sometimes controversial, topic. If you have a specific question, do please email me at