Can I be hypnotised to do things I don't want to?

This is one of the most common questions I'm asked. The simple answer is no, you can't be hypnotised to do anything you really don't want to do. Like so many things, though, it's not that simple.

Imagine that I hypnotised someone and simply told them to rob a bank; they wouldn't do that. Not only would they not follow the suggestion, more than likely they'd come right out of hypnosis and tell me to get stuffed. And rightly so.

No matter how deeply hypnotised you are, there is always part of your subconscious which remains aware of everything. That element of your mind protects you from being made to do anything that goes against your own morals and beliefs.

But, of course, beliefs and desires are things that can be altered with hypnosis. Our beliefs influence our thoughts and our actions. So, if someone were to be hypnotised to believe that they genuinely were a bank robber then, they would act like a bank robber. (And so, we can assume, at least attempt to rob a bank.)

So, what does that mean for our original question, “Can I be hypnotised to do things I don't want to do?” Well, the answer is still no, you can't... but that if you can be hypnotised to make you believe that you want to do something, then that might, just might, be a different question.

Hang on, that's terrifying!

Two things it is important to remember:

1. If something is genuinely against your morals and beliefs, no amount of hypnosis will change that.

No matter what I make you believe, no matter what suggestions I give you, it's still not possible to make you do anything that you really, really don't want to. That small, but crucial, part of your subconscious mind is always there, aware of everything and keeping you safe.

2. Only allow people you trust to hypnotise you, and make sure you understand (and agree to) everything that's going to happen.

Even though your subconscious will always keep you safe, it's important for your own peace of mind that you talk to your hypnotist before the session starts and agree with them exactly what is going to happen. If you're in any doubt about someone's honesty, or trustworthiness – walk away.