HypnoMaster UK

Experienced, UK-based hypnotist.

Desperate to improve his body, his grades, and his motivation, uni student Zach seeks the help of a personal trainer whose ‘advanced techniques’ he sees advertised on Facebook.

0. The Ad.

“Free Personal Training, students benefit from my Advanced Techniques to help you achieve your goals, whatever they are.” Zach paused. The ad had an email address and, if he was honest with himself, the idea really appealed. Maybe this guy could help him get to the gym, and transform his lanky body into something he could be proud of, at last. He’d been trying for so long; honestly, so, so long.

“Fuck it,” he muttered to his MacBook as he clicked the email, and began typing, “Hi Eric, I saw your ad on Facebook, and I’d really like your help. I’m a skinny, anxious 20 year old guy. I really want to be more confident around people, and start working out, maybe going to the gym, so I can get bigger. I know you’re probably too busy, but if you can help, I’d be so grateful. Kind regards, Zach.”

By the time the reply arrived, Zach had forgotten all about sending the email in the first place. But, there it was, plain as day, “Hi Zach, great to hear from you. You definitely sound like someone who could use a bit of help right now. I remember being in the same situation as you. Nervous, awkward, I could never find the time to go to the gym, or the confidence to work out in front of other people. So, I know what you’re going through. If you’re still up for it, I’d be happy to meet you on Wednesday at 4 PM at my place to discuss your options. All for free, just like in the advert, while I gain experience as a PT.” Shit! What the hell was Zach going to do now? Three days ago when he sent the email sure, he was up for it then. But, now, here was this guy he didn’t know, could be anyone, inviting him to meet up tomorrow afternoon. And what with these “advanced techniques” that Eric was on about in his ad? Sure, if he could help it would be worth it but… Zach just didn’t know what to do.

1. The First Time.

Zach didn’t know what he’d been expecting but there was no denying it, Eric was hot. Easily 6’5” tall, and built like a cross between a rugby player and a bodybuilder. Across the kitchen table, Zach could see bushy chest hair poking out of the V-neck of Eric’s T-shirt, and even a few dark hairs atop his bare feet and toes. “How did you get so, erm… well, muscular?”

“A few years ago, I found out about hypnosis. There was a video on YouTube, it really changed my life. I was able to transform my mind and be able to work out, find the time for the gym, and feel confident. Maybe I could do the same to you? We can start immediately, if you’re up for it?” Eric looked at Zach expectantly, pulling a chair out into the centre of the room.

Zach’s voice shaking, “I guess,” then, more firmly, “yes, yes I’m ready.”

Eric smiled, “All right then.” Eric indicated the chair, “Grab a seat here, and we’ll crack on.” Zach got up, nervously shifting in the chair, trying to get comfortable. “Sit up straight, feet on the floor, hands in your lap.” Zach followed the instructions of the hot, muscular, hairy trainer stood in front of him. “Good lad,” Zach thought he could just make out Eric smirking.

“All right, what now?” Zac looked up at Eric, curiously, as he stood in front of him.

“All you need to do is relax. Take deep breaths, in and out, and just listen closely…”

Eric was a skilled hypnotist. As he talked, Zach felt himself relaxing deeper and deeper as Eric’s voice guided him through everything. Taking him all the way down. Over time, Eric’s words started to fade as Zach’s eyes began to sink as his mind floated up and his body sank down, deeper and deeper into trance. Deeper and deeper, deeper than ever before.

And, Eric kept taking him deeper, all the way down, until Zach was all the way in a deep trance, limp, leaning over. Then the suggestions, Eric telling Zach that he can work out, he can be confident around other people, and he will have no trouble working out around others. That he will enjoy working out around others. Working out makes him feel good. He feels strong when he works out. He grows when he works out. It is right to work out. He is passionate about working out.

As Eric continued to reinforce these ideas into Zach’s mind, so they became part of him. They became Zach’s mind and thoughts, his beliefs and emotions. As he was about to wake Zach up, Eric noticed a little tent in his jeans and, with this, he gave one final command, one final suggestion; that every week, on the same day, at the same time, Zach would come to his house and, upon entry, fall down into this deep trance. Deeper than ever before…

Part Two... coming soon.

This is one of the most common questions I'm asked. The simple answer is no, you can't be hypnotised to do anything you really don't want to do. Like so many things, though, it's not that simple.

Imagine that I hypnotised someone and simply told them to rob a bank; they wouldn't do that. Not only would they not follow the suggestion, more than likely they'd come right out of hypnosis and tell me to get stuffed. And rightly so.

No matter how deeply hypnotised you are, there is always part of your subconscious which remains aware of everything. That element of your mind protects you from being made to do anything that goes against your own morals and beliefs.

But, of course, beliefs and desires are things that can be altered with hypnosis. Our beliefs influence our thoughts and our actions. So, if someone were to be hypnotised to believe that they genuinely were a bank robber then, they would act like a bank robber. (And so, we can assume, at least attempt to rob a bank.)

So, what does that mean for our original question, “Can I be hypnotised to do things I don't want to do?” Well, the answer is still no, you can't... but that if you can be hypnotised to make you believe that you want to do something, then that might, just might, be a different question.

Hang on, that's terrifying!

Two things it is important to remember:

1. If something is genuinely against your morals and beliefs, no amount of hypnosis will change that.

No matter what I make you believe, no matter what suggestions I give you, it's still not possible to make you do anything that you really, really don't want to. That small, but crucial, part of your subconscious mind is always there, aware of everything and keeping you safe.

2. Only allow people you trust to hypnotise you, and make sure you understand (and agree to) everything that's going to happen.

Even though your subconscious will always keep you safe, it's important for your own peace of mind that you talk to your hypnotist before the session starts and agree with them exactly what is going to happen. If you're in any doubt about someone's honesty, or trustworthiness – walk away.

This is one of the most common question I get asked, and one of the hardest to answer because it depends on where you live.

In the UK

If you, like me, are in the UK, then there is no law that says how old you must be to get hypnotised. However, you must be able to give your ‘informed consent’.

Anyone aged of 16 or over is presumed to be able to give their informed consent unless there’s a reason to suspect that’s not the case (e.g. they have learning difficulties). So, if you’re in the UK and are aged 16 or over, you’re good to go.

Under 16s

If you’re in the UK and aged 15 or under, the law isn’t quite as clear. Your ability to give informed consent as a child or young person is governed by a legal test known as “Gillick Competency,” which says that:

“…it is not enough that she should understand the nature of the advice which is being given: she must also have a sufficient maturity to understand what is involved.”


“parental right yields to the child’s right to make his own decisions when he reaches a sufficient understanding and intelligence to be capable of making up his own mind on the matter requiring decision.”

This means that if you are mature enough to understand what you are doing, what is involved, the implications of it, and weigh up the potential risks and benefits, then you can give your own consent to being hypnotised.

So, it’s a question of maturity. If you’re mature and responsible enough to make an informed decision, then you can get hypnotised. As a guide, most 15-year-olds are likely to be able to make that decision on their own, most 11-year-olds are not. If you don’t seem mature and grown up enough to make the decision on your own, please don’t be offended if I ask you to come back when you’re older.

All of that said, you should always discuss anything you do online with trusted friends and family. They can help you stay safe. And if you have any concerns about being asked to do things you aren’t comfortable with, or shouldn’t be asked to do, talk to a parent, teacher, or ChildLine for help. There are some people online who want to hurt you, including in the hypnosis community, and your safety is the most important thing.

Erotic Hypnosis

I do get asked to do hypnosis sessions with an erotic or sexual focus. This is something I do, although I’ve written before about how these aren’t always my favourite kind of session. UK law says that the youngest age at which you are legally able to consent to any kind of sexual activity is 16, so this is the youngest you can be to have this kind of session.

However, just like anyone else, you shouldn’t expect your first session with me to go that way. I want to get to know you and build some kind of relationship before we do anything erotic. This applies even more so if you’re younger, because I need to know that you genuinely consent, and it’s what you really want.

Outside the UK

Laws vary around the world, and I’m not a lawyer so I can’t give a definitive answer to how old you have to be to get hypnotised in Country X. As a guide, you should be of an age where, in your country, it would be legal for you to:

  • be a subject in a stage hypnosis show without anyone else’s permission; and
  • (for erotic hypnosis) have sex.

Because I’m in the UK, you also need to comply with UK law as explained above.

Maximum age

I prefer hypnotising younger people. Generally, younger people are better subjects for hypnosis, and more fun to work with. If you’re older than me (34 at the time of writing), I’m unlikely to consider you. But, get in touch and ask, you’ve nothing to lose.

Any questions?

This is a challenging, and sometimes controversial, topic. If you have a specific question, do please email me at contact@hypnomaster.uk.

In an average week, I might receive between five and ten requests from people looking for a hypnosis session. It's great that so many people are interested, but the thing is: I have a job, and a life, and I don't have time for all these hypnosis sessions!

So, I have to have a way of choosing who I want to work with from amongst the crowds.

Like a stage hypnotist at the start of their show, I'm looking for the very best hypnosis subjects. Individuals who are enthusiastic, serious about wanting to go under hypnosis, and are lively and outgoing will always make the best subjects.

There are a few practical things that you need to have an online hypnosis session, or to be hypnotised in person but these are the things to show me in your application that will make me want to choose you:

Use your name, and mine.

You might think it's appealing to call me 'sir' or 'master', but it's really not. In fact, it's just plain creepy. I want to get to know you as an individual, and you me, which means we need to start by using each others' names.

Be honest.

Whatever you want to do in hypnosis, be up front and tell me. I can only give you the experience you're looking for if I know what that experience is!

This also means being honest about your age (I will check), your location, and your availability; as well as being honest about whether or not you really want to be hypnotised. If you're not sure about something, say, and we'll talk about it.

Share a photo… of your face.

I want to know what you look like, and that you are who you say you are. If you don't send a photo showing your face with your application, don't expect a reply.

And when I say face, I mean face. Nobody – including me – wants to see a photo of your junk. A passport style photo is perfect.

Most importantly of all, though…

Just be yourself!

I'm not looking for anything special. I'm not looking for people with loads of experience, or who want to be something they're not. You'll have the best chance of getting a session with me by just being yourself and letting me get to know me. If you're a nice guy, and we get on, you'll get a hypnosis session.